Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Quilt top complete

I spent this afternoon sewing the blocks together.  Now I just have to wait for my fabric to arrive for the back.  Hopefully it won't take too long. I've already got plans swirling in my head for the next 2 quilts - can't wait to get my hands on some more fabric ;o)

Hope you are having a totally fabulous Tuesday

Monday, 26 September 2011

Smashing & Sewing

Today I got in a bit of sewing time and finished putting together the Amy Butler squares. I'll save tomorrow for the ironing and cutting and resewing ;o)
I also sorted the few fabrics that I have - which has prompted me to thinking, what to do with all the little leftovers. Hmmm?

I also have decided to make my black Smash into a sewing project book. So I can keep track of what I make, how much things cost and where I got bits from.
And I have to keep kicking this little dude off my chair - apparently he thinks my cushion is pretty comfy too!

Have a Happy Monday,

Friday, 23 September 2011

Finally Friday

This week we have been bumming around at home. No sewing to speak of - which is probably why I'm going nuts.

These lovely ladies have been giving us 2 to 3 eggs a day. Such good girls. Which means I've been making lots of things like this
With passionfruit from the vine. Mmmm....
Next week  I am hoping some fabric will arrive so I can get a move on with one project. And get some fabric ordered for the back of my big quilt. Got lots to do.
Still haven't sorted out my craft area. I'm thinking I need to get rid of a few things. I don't have as much storage as before - so it's just gotta go.
Hubby will be pleased with that!
Have a happy weekend,

Ps. I had itchy fingers so I grabbed the leftover Amy Butler Corduroy I had from my cushion and made another one for my chair. It's so soft & yummy!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Sewing Saturday & this week

Today I sewed up all the Amy Butler Soul blossom squares that I had. I need many many more for what I have in mind.
And the reason I sewed all of these this morning - my sweet darling kitty woke me at 5:00am. Thank you very much! It was so early, not even the chickens were up and about. They are becoming good at laying - we've had 2 eggs a day for the past 2 days.
Some of which I put to good use last night. I made a berry crumble cake. And when I went to serve it, I realised I had no ready made custard in the fridge. So I pulled out the eggs and milk and made my own in the thermomix. 7 minutes, no stirring, and deliciously perfect custard. Mmmm.
This week we planted the veges. We've got spinach, beans, peas, beetroot, chilli, capsicum, shallots, tomato, pumpkin and rhubarb. I hope they all survive.
And last but not least - look what my sweet girl made for me in Manual Arts. It's so cute and I love it
It's the first day of school holidays and I'm still on mummy taxi duty. Can't wait to get to bed tonight and get into relax mode.

Have a great weekend - whatever you may be doing,

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

A little one

This week I got a couple of goodies from ebay. A couple of strip rolls and squares. So since it is my great nephews first birthday on Sunday - I thought I'd whip up a little quilt for him. I finished it up today.
I used Baby Safari by Carina Gardner for the front and I ended up getting a grey dot for the back.
I hope he likes it.

When we moved I damaged my thermomix by leaving it on the stove - which set it on fire. So last week I sent it away to be repaired. I finally got it back today and put it straight to work by making dough for our pizzas for dinner tonight. They were really yummy!

And my books finally arrived. Would you believe I haven't even opened one page of them yet. I think I better make a cup of tea and fix that straight away ;o)

Have a happy Wednesday,

Sunday, 11 September 2011

My Queen

Well, I did manage to sew her up yesterday. And I think she turned out so pretty. And so huge. About 90" X 90" I think. There's even another row above the top one that you can see. My washing line wouldn't go up any higher!

Now I need to start thinking about the back. Not really sure what I'm going to do there. And then there's the issue of quilting it. Eek!! Can't wait till it's all done though - and looking pretty across my bed. Seems pretty far away right now.

And in other news - we got our first egg! It was so exciting to peek inside the nesting box and see that egg there!
And my dear sweet hubby spent the day preparing the vege patch. So hopefully I'll get to planting it soon. I can't wait to grow our own veges. Although I don't have much of a green thumb - so we'll have to see how it goes ;o)
Have a happy week -

Saturday, 10 September 2011

It's another Sewing Saturday

We have had a busy few days. One of the most exciting things was that our chickens arrived. I love them already. They are so cute. No eggs as yet, but I'm confident we'll get one soon. We got 3, and I really can't tell them apart - so they are all just "Chookie" for now.
Yesterday I thought one had escaped. Nope. It must of come from down the road. It had some food and foraged around in the garden and had a good couple of hours here and then left.
Yesterday, some more fabric arrived. I purchased some Soul Blossom Charm packs. I really don't like the cutting part of quilting, so I thought I'd buy precut pieces and try doing it that way. They are really small and I'm not sure how it will turn out. Even if it becomes my scrap room lap quilt - that's good enough for me.

But before I go anywhere near it - today, I intend on finishing this quilt top. The squares are all now triangles, which are all now rows. Now I need to sew it together. Hopefully I can get it done today.

Have a Happy Weekend -

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

I'm back!

Well, we survived the move. Just!
We packed up the house and stacked it all in the loungeroom. And even slept in the lounge on our matresses on the final night.
Moving day was so long. We didn't stop until about 11pm that night. The next day we spent unpacking everything. We had to go without television & internet for 4 days. They were the longest days of my life I reckon ;o)
I absolutely love this house. We've got fruit trees and vines. And I even found a couple of pineapples growing here too. They are adorable!
On the weekend, we spent time putting together the bbq I bought for my wonderful hubby for Fathers Day.
 And he also put together the chicken coop. The chickens will be arriving on Thursday.
 I've also started to cut the fabric for my own quilt. I'm using this tutorial but making my squares 9.5 inches for a queen size quilt.
And today I have been baking muffins. They are so delish. Apple & raspberry. Mmmm.

That's it for me today. Glad to be back online and getting back to normal.

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