This week has been a little of this & that.
A bit of cooking. Just made some muesli bars for school.
A bit of sewing. I made a crayon case for the little man aswell. But do you think I can find any crayons? No. Off to hunt some down today!! Then I can get a pic. That is of course, if I can get my camera back.
A bit of shopping. This book.
Oh my gosh! If you love Heather Ross - and really, who doesn't - you need to have it. Totally completely awesome!
I've also ordered & bought some things to complete the projects that have been lying around here for the longest time. Feeling the need to catch up and organise. The long awaited Honeybun pouf shall be made!!
And I've also ordered the multi-tasker tote pattern. Definitely going to use some of my field study on it. I'm thinking either the orange feathers or the butterflies. Yum!
Also my sweet first born got his learners license yesterday. I was so excited and proud of him - I could have burst! He's going driving with his daddy this weekend. So exciting.
I got my license when he was in my tummy. Ok - now I feel old!!
So today - more cooking. Tomorrow - some pattern cutting. Then off to teach my friend to sew on Friday. Looking forward to some girl time. And the little mans party on Sunday. Two is such a cute cute age.
I'll be back later with the crayon case.
Have a happy day
K xxx