Thursday, 13 September 2007


So I woke up late today - 11:50am. Oops!!
Don't know how I am going to sleep tonight.
After I had a coffee this morning I walked up to check the mail box. There was a little package in there for me. I wasn't expecting anything. So I opened it up. Inside was a cd that I have wanted for ages, that I was actually going to buy yesterday when I stopped at the shops (but they were closed).
I won it from Seafm. Oh yeah!!
I registered a couple of weeks ago when I saw them advertising to win it. And then I forgot about it. Yay!!
I could get totally used to winning stuff!! I may even buy a lotto ticket this weekend (if I can scrounge enough money together to afford it!!)
I just quickly scrapped this page this afternoon.
Maybe even do some more. More constructive than trying to sleep!!
K xxx


  1. that's a scary expression on the LO!! fun mail!

  2. oh i LOVE LOVE LOVE all those funky buttons kel....they look great xxoo


Thank you so much for coming to visit me and taking the time to leave me a message. Have a beautiful day xxx

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