Wednesday, 28 March 2012


So in the past 2ish weeks -
I picked up this quilt again - got in the zone - and then ran out of thread. What are the odds?
Only just got some more, so I'm planning on picking it back up today.
Have been enjoying a new delicious brekky. Baked spinach, eggs and fetta. Mmm.
And this yoghurt. Even though it's twice as many calories as my old one - it is more than twice as delicious. Yum!!
And a new polish - OPI Teenage Dream. Two of my favourite things - pink & glitter! I love the way it sparkles. Obviously much better in real life.

Finishing up my coffee and off to the sewing machine.
Have a fabulous day

Kel xxx


  1. can't wait to see that quilt done!!! looking awesome already, Kelly!!

  2. Have you seen that Overnight Oats that are floating around Pinterest? It's my new favorite breakfast! I've even lost a few pounds since I started eating it. Not sure why...maybe it just get my appetite started on the right food. I'm gonna have to give your breakfast a try on the weekend sometime :-)


Thank you so much for coming to visit me and taking the time to leave me a message. Have a beautiful day xxx

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